Back to the fold, in time for a new paper
This year started pret-ty intensely, with a working group at the Santa Fe Institute and a month-long residency at the ISI Foundation. The dust is still settling, but a couple of exciting projects should come out of it, to be presented at NetSci 2016 and/or other conferences this upcoming summer.
I’m also happy to announce that a paper with a long history has finally been published in Physical Review E (and that it’s the Editor’s suggestion of the week)! The theory was mostly developed during Laurent Hébert-Dufresne’s time as a Ph.D. student at Université Laval (circa 2014) but has since evolved into a sounder, more comprehensive framework. In the paper, we show how preferential attachment and delayed temporal scaling in the growth of a resource lead to a scale-independent distribution of resources. It turns out that the delayed temporal scaling is strict enough to predict both the past and the present of a scale-free system, from a single snapshot of its present state. It will be interesting to see how this relatively simple mechanism can be coupled with other preferential attachment based models.