NetSci 2019
I will give a few presentations at NetSci 2019 and at the surrounding events. First, I’ve been asked to kick off the SYNS 2019 Pre-Conference Event “I’d like to learn from…” with an overview of Universality of the SBM. This will be a fun laid-back event on Sunday right before the satellites. I’ll then give a flash talk at SINM 2019, in which I’ll present exciting new work on epidemiology that I’ve been doing with Laurent Hébert-Dufresne and Samuel Scarpino. I’ll close out the week with a talk on Friday at the main event, where I’ll discuss of “Compression of treelike complex networks using layered configuration models” (joint work with Antoine Allard and Laurent Hébert-Dufresne). Mark Newman will also touch on some work we’ve done together, in his SINM contributed talk.